ed note--it is our theory that this is exactly what Judea, Inc is planning to do again in the midst of the Corona virus hype and subsequent crash of the markets taking place right now, much in the same manner as the Twin Towers were brought down (via pre-placed explosive charges) immediately after being struck by the hijacked airliners on the morning of 9/11.
Judaism, Zionism and the toxic effect of apocalyptic religious delusions on world affairs
Saturday, February 29, 2020
U.S. Signs Peace Deal With Taliban After Nearly 2 Decades Of War In Afghanistan
ed note--please keep in mind 2 important items associated with this development--
1. Israel is not pleased,
2. The number of 'experts' out there in the '9/11 truth movement' who--for almost 4 years now--have claimed (and continue to claim) that Trump is the favored son of Judea who was put into the WH in order to 'start WWIII for his Jewish masters'.
Corona Virus and it's direct impact on economic activity
As long as U.S. consumers continue to spend, the economy will continue to expand, and there’s little risk of recession. If the stock market tumbles further, however, all bets may be off.
Coronavirus fears cause stocks to plunge in worst week since 2008 financial crisis
ed note--once again, we have been asked what our 'take' is on the Corona virus and whether it is a 'Joo bug' deliberately concocted to advance the political agenda of Judea Inc, a question to which our response has been/is an unequivocal
Not in the same sense however as 'Captain Tripps' (the fictional virus engineered by the US GOV that featured in the Stephen King novel 'The Stand') but rather that 'Corona' is being hyped at this time by the JMSM for political reasons all aimed at bringing down Trump, Inc before DJT POTUS can get too far with his plans of implementing his peace deal in the Middle East and bringing an end to the 'never-ending wars' in that region into which the US was dragged by Israel following 9/11.
And indeed, as we predicted, this is precisely what is taking place. Despite the obviously-orchestrated hype campaign running full-bore 24/7 on the JMSM, (as well as within 'alternative' media outlets owned and operated by nutters kooks, cranks and carnival barkers such as Jeff Rense et al) the numbers just aren't there to support the panic. The normal, yearly, ordinary flu kills 50 to 60 thousand people a year--just in the US--which, spaced over the 3 month period where the flu peaks, is about 20,000 a month which is about 700 PER DAY. A normal flu season in America sees between 30-40 MILLION people coming down with it, numbers that DWARF the handful of people who have contracted Corona.
Now, based upon the orchestrated honking campaign taking place within the JMSM and the subsequent crashing of the markets it is obvious where the powers that be intend to take all of this. Trump's approval numbers (and thus the likelihood of his being re-elected) are based for the most part on the economic good mood which seems to be in full swing right now, but with a crashing market and what may come of it (as was deliberately done to George H.W. Bush in '92) this can turn on a dime, which is exactly what Organized Jewish Interests want to see take place in an election year.
What's potentially worse is the following, and remember, you read it here first--
A crashing market provides the perfect pretext and cover for something much bigger, and particularly a 're-do' of what took place in mid-September of 2008, where an electronic 'run' on the banking system occurred which saw the evaporation of half a trillion dollars within the span of only 2 hours that--had it not been stopped--would have led to the COMPLETE COLLAPSE of the United States economy, an event that would have been used as the pretext for launching a war against Iran, Russia, or whoever was on the receiving end of Judea's accusations in the same manner as the 'war on terror' was launched against Iraq in the aftermath of 9/11.
We fear--and with good justification--that this is exactly what Judea, Inc is planning with all of this Corona virus business--panicked selling in the markets that presages 'the big bang' of another electronic run on the banking system that will be used not only in removing Trump from office, but as well, will be blamed on those enemies whose demise Judea, Inc has been planning for a long, long time.
It is important to note within this context that Iran is at present the country with the highest number of Corona virus infections after China and for which Trump specifically (and the US generally) has been accused vis deliberately infecting that country. Thus, what we see is a pre-staging through official narrative Iran's 'motive' for some act of war against the US, in this case hacking into the US banking system as Israel did in 2008 and causing the 'electronic run' which would then be used in collapsing the banking system, the economy, and thus initiating a panic that would force DJT into a corner where the only option would be striking militarily.
And remember, Purim, the yearly Jewish celebration of the destruction of Persia--modern day Iran--takes place in little over one week.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Trump faces ‘black swan’ threat to the economy and his hoped-for reelection
Even Trump‘s leading allies acknowledge the deadly coronavirus could present an existential political threat for the president in an election year.
2008 once more? The world may be headed for another global economic crisis
Given the current economic situation—mainly, the US-China trade war, and the breakdown of corona virus—the world may be headed for another global economic crisis
How They Do It-- 'Coronavirus lays bare all the pathologies of the Trump administration'
ed note--and, here we go YET AGAIN, ladies and Gentile-men...
The author of this piece is none other than Max Boot, notorious NeoCon and Israeli intelligence operative who takes his orders directly from Netanyahu and who is part of a well-tuned Israeli intelligence operation aimed at removing DJT as POTUS before he can get too far with his 'America (not Israel) First' agenda.
We are forced to point this out due to the distressingly high percentage of 'experts' out there who over the course of the last 4 years have assiduously avoided examining/analyzing prima facie evidence of the sort appearing herein in favor of pictures showing Trump shaking hands with reptiloids such as Sheldon Adelson, Bibi Netanyahu, etc when calculating whether or not Trump is truly the threat to OJI that he is or whether he is 'owned' by the Jews.
Put another way, the spectacle featuring a gaggle of hyenas surrounding a male lion and over the course of 4+ years taking turns nipping at his hind quarters should remove any and all doubts about what is taking place, and the fact that it has not reveals just how utterly incompetent certain 'departments' are within that institution of 'higher education' known as 'the movement'.
How They Do It--It’s the incompetence that may bring Trump down
ed note--and, here we go again, ladies and Gentile-men--
The author of this piece, Jennifer Rubin--
Is a died-in-the-wool Zionist gangstress who played a central role not only in the events of 9/11, but as well in selling to the American people the disastrous 'clash of civilizations' that followed. He is an Israeli spy and a high-level operative for Judea, Inc who takes his orders directly from Netanyahu, along with others such as Kristol, the portly Kagan brothers, David Frum, Eliot Cohen, Max Boot et al.
EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED also played very conspicuous roles in attempting first to prevent DJT from getting the Republican nomination and winning the subsequent 2016 election, and then having failed in that endeavor, in concentrating their efforts in trying to see him removed as POTUS.
Furthermore, what needs to be understood about this is that it is an ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE OPERATION being conducted under the direct leadership and authority of none other than 'Bibi' Netanyahu, who, we are told by all sorts of experts, is 'Trump's buddy'.
Those breathing a sigh of relief now that Trump has been acquitted in the Senate Impeachment trial should not be doing so at all. What it means is that the drive to remove him from office before he can begin turning the screws on Netanyahu vis the 'Ultimate Peace Deal' has now entered a new phase where 'assassination' in the political sense via the mechanism of impeachment may very well become literal as it was with Israel's murder of the 35th POTUS, JFK.
'But, but, but...Netanyahu LOVES Trump's 'Peace deal'. He was clapping and smiling when Trump unveiled it...'
Yes, yes, we know all about it. That's the way the political game is played and anyone without the intellectual sophistication necessary in recognizing this fact needs to go back to doing whatever it was they were doing before they got their hands on a cheap computer and began operating as 'geo-political analysts'.
Health experts say Wuhan Coronavirus causing unnecessary panic
The Wuhan coronavirus seems to have a low fatality rate, and most patients make full recoveries. Experts reveal why it's causing panic anyway.
ed note--We have been asked for a few weeks now what our 'take' is on the Corona virus and whether it is a 'Joo bug' deliberately concocted to advance the political agenda of Judea Inc, and to which our response has been an unequivocal 'YES'.
Not in the same sense however like the 'Captain Tripps' virus engineered by the US GOV that featured in the Stephen King novel 'The Stand', but rather that it is being hyped at this time by the JMSM for political reasons all aimed at bringing down Trump, Inc before DJT POTUS can get too far with his plans of implementing his peace deal in the Middle East, in addition to other items.
And indeed, as we predicted, this is precisely what is taking place. Despite the obviously-orchestrated hype campaign taking place 24/7 on the JMSM, (as well as within 'alternative' media outlets such as those owned and operated by nutters and carnival barkers such as Jeff Rense et al) the numbers just aren't there to support the panic. The normal, yearly, ordinary flu kills between 50 and 60,000 people a year--just in the US--which, spaced over the 3 month period where the flu peaks, is about 20,000 a month which is about 700 PER DAY. At any given moment during flu season in America, between 30-40 MILLION people come down with it, numbers that DWARF the handful of people who have contracted Corona.
Now, based upon the orchestrated honking campaign taking place within the JMSM and the subsequent crashing of the markets it is obvious where the powers that be intend to take all of this. Trump's approval numbers are based for the most part on the economic good mood which seems to be in full swing right now, but with a crashing market and what may come of it, this can turn on a dime, which is exactly what Organized Jewish Interests want to see take place in an election year.
What's potentially worse is the following, and remember, you read it here first--
A crashing market provides the perfect pretext and cover for something much bigger, and particularly what took place in mid-Septemeber of 2008, where an electronic 'run' on the banking system occurred which saw the evaporation of half a trillion dollars within the span of only 2 hours that--had it not been stopped--would have led to the COMPLETE COLLAPSE of the United States economy and which would have been used as the pretext for launching a war against Iran, Russia, or whoever was on the receiving end of Judea's accusations in the same manner as the 'war on terror' was launched against Iraq in the aftermath of 9/11.
We fear--and with good justification--that this is exactly what Judea, Inc is planning with all of this Corona virus business--panicked selling in the markets that presages 'the big bang' of another electronic run on the banking system that will be used not only in removing Trump from office, but as well, will be blamed on those enemies whose demise Judea, Inc has planned for a long, long time. It is important to note that Iran is listed as the country with the highest number of Corona virus infections and who has explicitly blamed Trump and the US for deliberately infecting that country, thus pre-staging through official narrative Iran's 'motive' for some act of war against the US, in this case hacking into the US banking system as Israel did in 2008, and causing the 'electronic run' which would be used in collapsing the banking system, the economy, and thus initiating a panic that would force DJT into a corner where the only option would be striking militarily.
And remember, Purim, the yearly Jewish celebration of the destruction of Persia--modern day Iran--takes place in little over one week.
ed note--We have been asked for a few weeks now what our 'take' is on the Corona virus and whether it is a 'Joo bug' deliberately concocted to advance the political agenda of Judea Inc, and to which our response has been an unequivocal 'YES'.
Not in the same sense however like the 'Captain Tripps' virus engineered by the US GOV that featured in the Stephen King novel 'The Stand', but rather that it is being hyped at this time by the JMSM for political reasons all aimed at bringing down Trump, Inc before DJT POTUS can get too far with his plans of implementing his peace deal in the Middle East, in addition to other items.
And indeed, as we predicted, this is precisely what is taking place. Despite the obviously-orchestrated hype campaign taking place 24/7 on the JMSM, (as well as within 'alternative' media outlets such as those owned and operated by nutters and carnival barkers such as Jeff Rense et al) the numbers just aren't there to support the panic. The normal, yearly, ordinary flu kills between 50 and 60,000 people a year--just in the US--which, spaced over the 3 month period where the flu peaks, is about 20,000 a month which is about 700 PER DAY. At any given moment during flu season in America, between 30-40 MILLION people come down with it, numbers that DWARF the handful of people who have contracted Corona.
Now, based upon the orchestrated honking campaign taking place within the JMSM and the subsequent crashing of the markets it is obvious where the powers that be intend to take all of this. Trump's approval numbers are based for the most part on the economic good mood which seems to be in full swing right now, but with a crashing market and what may come of it, this can turn on a dime, which is exactly what Organized Jewish Interests want to see take place in an election year.
What's potentially worse is the following, and remember, you read it here first--
A crashing market provides the perfect pretext and cover for something much bigger, and particularly what took place in mid-Septemeber of 2008, where an electronic 'run' on the banking system occurred which saw the evaporation of half a trillion dollars within the span of only 2 hours that--had it not been stopped--would have led to the COMPLETE COLLAPSE of the United States economy and which would have been used as the pretext for launching a war against Iran, Russia, or whoever was on the receiving end of Judea's accusations in the same manner as the 'war on terror' was launched against Iraq in the aftermath of 9/11.
We fear--and with good justification--that this is exactly what Judea, Inc is planning with all of this Corona virus business--panicked selling in the markets that presages 'the big bang' of another electronic run on the banking system that will be used not only in removing Trump from office, but as well, will be blamed on those enemies whose demise Judea, Inc has planned for a long, long time. It is important to note that Iran is listed as the country with the highest number of Corona virus infections and who has explicitly blamed Trump and the US for deliberately infecting that country, thus pre-staging through official narrative Iran's 'motive' for some act of war against the US, in this case hacking into the US banking system as Israel did in 2008, and causing the 'electronic run' which would be used in collapsing the banking system, the economy, and thus initiating a panic that would force DJT into a corner where the only option would be striking militarily.
And remember, Purim, the yearly Jewish celebration of the destruction of Persia--modern day Iran--takes place in little over one week.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Lest We Forget--Insane, feral, demon-possessed Hebress Sarah Silverman-- 'Pro-Life laws make me want to eat an aborted fetus'
'F****** funerals for f****** aborted fetuses? I would like to speak at those funerals. 'He lived the way he died. He died the way he lived. The size of a sesame seed with no discerning brain function...'--Sarah Silverman
Judeo-Christian Family Values--'How to Give Yourself an Abortion'
ed note--as distasteful and shocking as it is, those with the stomach to do so should go to the website and see this article for themselves and the very casual, jocular manner in which murdering a child in utero is discussed, and after seeing this for yourself, remember--these people run the world.
Jewish women’s group takes the lead in pushing US Gov to pass national bill protecting abortion on demand
National Council of Jewish Women spearheads letter from 50 faith-based organizations calling on Congress to safeguard child-murder
ed note--jes' a lil' reminder that the 'Jewish problem' is something that far surpasses merely the issue of 'Palestine', and that just as much as 'the Zionists' are dedicated to killing 'Ishmael' and all his offspring in the Middle East, likewise they are equally dedicated to killing any and all innocent life on earth.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
How They Do It-- 'This is how democracy dies — in full view of a public that couldn’t care less'
ed note--and, once again ladies and Gentile-men, reminding what should not need reminding to those who claim to be J-wise.
The author of this piece, Max Boot--
--is one of the most important gears making up the NeoCon machinery in America and elsewhere. His job as an Israeli intelligence asset is to fill American airwaves and thus American brainwaves with ideas, themes, thoughts, concepts etc in such a way that US foreign policy works for Israel's interest, the most important of which is WAR.
He--along with fellow 'team members' David Frum, William Kristol, the portly Kagan brothers, Jennifer Rubin, Eliot Cohen et al, represent the multi-headed hydra in America responsible for keeping the 'war on terror' on track so that Israel is not backed into a corner where she is forced to pull off ANOTHER 911 style event in order to get the war fever started anew.
Boot--along with his aforementioned 'team members', are also united in their VERY vocal opposition to Trump, first as a candidate and now as POTUS and are united in their mission--as much as they were united in driving America to war in the aftermath of 9/11--in seeing Trump removed, and for exactly the same reasons--keeping America embroiled in Israel's wars against which Trump is opposed 100%.
That these basic, rudimentary, and elementary facts need more than 3 seconds' worth of explanation to a group of people who pride themselves on being 'wise' to the ways of Judea speaks volumes about just how much a day late and a dollar short such a 'movement' really is as well as why it is that those of the non-Gentile persuasion entertain the kinds of derogatory opinions that they do vis the intellectual capacity of their non-Judaic counterparts.
The author of this piece, Max Boot--
--is one of the most important gears making up the NeoCon machinery in America and elsewhere. His job as an Israeli intelligence asset is to fill American airwaves and thus American brainwaves with ideas, themes, thoughts, concepts etc in such a way that US foreign policy works for Israel's interest, the most important of which is WAR.
He--along with fellow 'team members' David Frum, William Kristol, the portly Kagan brothers, Jennifer Rubin, Eliot Cohen et al, represent the multi-headed hydra in America responsible for keeping the 'war on terror' on track so that Israel is not backed into a corner where she is forced to pull off ANOTHER 911 style event in order to get the war fever started anew.
Boot--along with his aforementioned 'team members', are also united in their VERY vocal opposition to Trump, first as a candidate and now as POTUS and are united in their mission--as much as they were united in driving America to war in the aftermath of 9/11--in seeing Trump removed, and for exactly the same reasons--keeping America embroiled in Israel's wars against which Trump is opposed 100%.
That these basic, rudimentary, and elementary facts need more than 3 seconds' worth of explanation to a group of people who pride themselves on being 'wise' to the ways of Judea speaks volumes about just how much a day late and a dollar short such a 'movement' really is as well as why it is that those of the non-Gentile persuasion entertain the kinds of derogatory opinions that they do vis the intellectual capacity of their non-Judaic counterparts.
'Netanyahu never really planned to implement Trump’s peace plan'
'The second section of the deal, which states that there should be two states for two nations, was not just an empty slogan, but a requirement that the US thinks should be the foundation of the long-awaited deal. Be that as it may, Netanyahu is not ready to cross this line. In fact, he never intended that this agreement would be actually be implemented. He would never agree to making east Jerusalem the capital of a Palestinian state.'
ed note--There has never been and will never be an Israeli politician--much less a Prime Minister--who was not a gangster, fraudster, murderer and land thief. Ehud Olmert was all those things, so the reader should not make the mistake of thinking that by posting his OpEd that we are painting him as a 'good guy'.
Nevertheless, there are times when the testimony of gangsters, fraudsters, murderers and land thieves can be useful, and particularly when said testimony can be used in better understanding the shenanigans surrounding more powerful gangsters, fraudsters, murderers and land thieves, in this case, Netanyahu.
As we said here in the immediate aftermath of DJT releasing the details of his much-anticipated 'ultimate peace deal', no one should make the mistake of thinking that all Netanyahu's handclapping and smiling was due to his approval of the deal. He welcomes this deal as much as venereal disease welcomes penicillin, all his theatrics in front of the assembled crowds and cameras notwithstanding. Furthermore, all the 'experts' who said that Trump did this in order to help Netanyahu out in getting re-elected have betrayed--once again--how little they truly understand the political machinery in Judea, Inc and how it functions, and particularly the right-wing machinery to which Netanyahu is party.
And finally, in underscoring just how much off the reservation many of these same 'experts' are, it is precisely DJT's 'ultimate peace deal' that is the fuel and fire being used in attempting to run him out of office, the same fuel and fire in fact that was used against his predecessors who attempted during their own tenures to bring about some resolution to the Palestinian/Israeli situation, a problem which Judea, Inc does not want to see resolved until she has finished with the task of gobbling up every single clod of dirt in the Arab Middle East.
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
The role of a rabbi is to teach Torah
Torah learning elevates the learners’ souls and corrects their middot.
ed note--once again, in the interests of getting 'the math' correct on all of this rather than cobbling together theories that sound good in an emotionally gratifying way but which do a serious disservice to the truth, the 'Jewish problem' is not relegated to simply the Talmud/Khazar diagnosis as many, many self-diploma-ed 'experts' like to chirp, but goes back to its root source, which is the Torah, or Old Testament.
Any rational person with the capacity to read and to honestly assess for him/herself the mechanics making up the Apocalyptic machinery that threatens all life and order on earth today cannot escape assigning the cause and effect nature of the toxic teachings found within the Torah to what has been FROM ITS INCEPTION aberrant, obnoxious and violent 'Jewish' behavior as manifested throughout the milleniae, whether those engaging in this behavior have gone by the name Hebrews, Israelites, Judah-ites, Judeans, or whatever. They differ from each other in the same way that 'the mafia' is different from 'the mob', 'the syndicate', the 'black hand' or whatever. Organized crime is organized crime irrespective of the name given to a particular group and the common thread running through all of them is their philosophy and the behavior that said philosophy generates.
Any rational person with the capacity to read and to honestly assess for him/herself the mechanics making up the Apocalyptic machinery that threatens all life and order on earth today cannot escape assigning the cause and effect nature of the toxic teachings found within the Torah to what has been FROM ITS INCEPTION aberrant, obnoxious and violent 'Jewish' behavior as manifested throughout the milleniae, whether those engaging in this behavior have gone by the name Hebrews, Israelites, Judah-ites, Judeans, or whatever. They differ from each other in the same way that 'the mafia' is different from 'the mob', 'the syndicate', the 'black hand' or whatever. Organized crime is organized crime irrespective of the name given to a particular group and the common thread running through all of them is their philosophy and the behavior that said philosophy generates.
Monday, February 10, 2020
Trump Is Not Really Pro-Israel—He’s Pro-Trump
The U.S. president is an unreliable ally for the Jewish state
ed note--as we like to say here from time to time (and particularly to all the 'eks-purts' out there who have concluded that Trump is 'owned by the Jews' based upon very superficial criteria that, just as the author here makes clear--was done in order to grease the political skids for DJT in accomplishing bigger goals, including his 'ultimate peace deal') PAY NO MIND WHATSOEVER to glaringly important pieces such a this, written by someone who has earned his bread and butter over the decades as a foreign policy expert and who by virtue of such experience might know a thing or two about how the big political game works.
A few takeaways worth considering--
'While Trump’s policies have been popular in Israel, his record is far less “pro-Israel” than it appears at the merely superficial level. In particular, his support for Israeli territorial ambitions has obscured another, far less favorable legacy on Israel he will leave behind: The degree to which he has ignored and even undermined Israeli security. When contemplating U.S. action (or inaction) in the Middle East, Trump has time and again proved indifferent, even callous, towards Israeli concerns, and this pattern of neglect toward Israel’s security is causing consternation in Jerusalem, as can be seen in criticism by the Israeli defense establishment following two incidents over the last year.'
as well as--
'Trump is developing a reputation within Israel’s security establishment as an unreliable ally. Amiram Levin, the former commander of the Israeli military’s Northern Command, has complained that “Israeli policy is based on the false assumption that Trump is the great friend,” adding that “as long as Trump is in power, Israel has no one to rely on.” Even Michael Oren, the former Israeli ambassador to the United States who has repeatedly criticized President Barack Obama in racist terms, has been forced to acknowledge that whereas Obama reportedly pledged to intervene “if Israel ever got into a serious war,” he does not “think that Israel can bank on that today.'
as well as--
'Ultimately, the president is not really pro-Israel—he’s pro-Trump. The difference between the two will eventually assert itself one way or the other, but Americans who truly care about Israel should hope it becomes apparent before the 2020 presidential election.'
But hey, why waste a lot of valuable time reading something as important as this when all you gotta do in figgerin' in all out is look at this--
How will Trump take his revenge against his Jewish impeachment foes?
ed note--As we like to say, chock full of goodies...
'Nadler — I've known him much of my life...He fought me in New York for 25 years and I always beat him, and I’ll probably have to beat him again....'
As well as--
'Nadler, of New York, chairs the House Judiciary Committee and has a history with Trump. As a state assemblyman and then as a congressman, Nadler endeavored to frustrate Trump’s real estate plans in Manhattan...'
As well as--
'Nadler shows no signs of backing down, announcing this week that he will likely subpoena John Bolton, Trump’s former national security adviser, who has suggested he is ready to testify that Trump’s preeminent motivation in withholding aid from Ukraine was to force the country to investigate Joe Biden, Trump’s Democratic political rival...'
Remember that John Bolton is one of Israel's most valuable NeoCon shabbos goy and that whatever testimony he will wind up giving to Nadler's committee will be done under the direct supervision and authority of none other than Benjamin Netanayhu.
Now, to the casual observer it appears that the 'bad blood' between Trump and Nadler is isolated to merely the two of them, but to those who spend more than 5 seconds considering the deeper implications associated with all of this, it speaks volumes about the friction that has existed between DJT and 'the Jews' of NY going back DECADES, giving a better glimpse as to why there was a near-unanimous concerted effort on the part of Judea, Inc to prevent Trump from winning in 2016 and why they are moving heaven, hell and everything in between in trying to get him removed before he can be re-elected in 2020.
'It’s not clear what legitimate retribution is available to Trump, but he has suggested that Schiff should be arrested for treason for misrepresenting the president’s call to his Ukraine counterpart, but that does not meet any known definition of treason.'
Treason is defined in the US Constitution as levying war against the United States or in giving aid and comfort to the enemies of the United States.
The only entity that can wage war against the United States is another state actor, and we'll leave it up to you to figure out which 'state actor' it was for whom Adam Schiff was engaged in treasonous actions.
'Alexander Vindman is the top Ukraine staffer on the National Security Council and was among the first to raise a red flag after Trump’s conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukraine’s president. One of the people he notified was his twin brother, Eugene, a White House ethics expert. Alexander Vindman’s testimony to Congress, in which the medaled U.S. Army officer noted his origins in a Jewish family that fled the former Soviet Union, was riveting, and the far-right media has insinuated that his brother is behind the leaks from Bolton’s forthcoming book incriminating Trump.'
So here we have 2 Jewish brothers, highly-placed operatives acting as spies for Israel within the Trump White House every bit as much as Monica Lewinsky was in the Clinton WH, conspiring with Nadler, Schiff, Schumer et al to bring Trump down vis the 'Ukraine Affair' and yet no one--save for a very small handful--are willing/able to draw the obvious lines connecting what is an obviously Kosher Nostra Konspiracy aimed at dethroning yet another unruly Gentile king with its place of origin, Israel
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ed note--keep in mind that it is not just 'Christians' and 'idol-worshipers' which the Torah commands be killed, but any...