Monday, February 10, 2020

Settler leader calls on Netanyahu to 'put Trump administration in its place,’ annex now

Times Of Israel

Settler leader Yossi Dagan is urging Prime Minister Netanyahu to put the Trump administration “in its place” and immediately move ahead with annexing areas of the West Bank, despite US opposition.

“The period of the high commissioner is over,” Dagan, a member of Netanyahu’s Likud party and head of the Samaria Regional Council, says in a statement.

“I call on Benjamin Netanyahu to put the US administration in its place. Sometimes even dear friends need to be put in their place and be told that the government is ours, that we are a sovereign country and sovereignty will be extended to Judea and Samaria as the public in the State of Israel expects,” he adds, using the Biblical name for the West Bank.

Dagan was one of several leaders who traveled to the US for the January 28 release of Trump’s peace plan, after which Netanyahu said he would bring his plan to annex the Jordan Valley and West Bank settlements for cabinet approval within days.

He has since moved away from that promise amid US opposition to Israel annexing these areas before the March 2 elections.