Saturday, February 29, 2020

Coronavirus fears cause stocks to plunge in worst week since 2008 financial crisis

ed note--once again, we have been asked what our 'take' is on the Corona virus and whether it is a 'Joo bug' deliberately concocted to advance the political agenda of Judea Inc, a question to which our response has been/is an unequivocal 


Not in the same sense however as 'Captain Tripps' (the fictional virus engineered by the US GOV that featured in the Stephen King novel 'The Stand') but rather that 'Corona' is being hyped at this time by the JMSM for political reasons all aimed at bringing down Trump, Inc before DJT POTUS can get too far with his plans of implementing his peace deal in the Middle East and bringing an end to the 'never-ending wars' in that region into which the US was dragged by Israel following 9/11.

And indeed, as we predicted, this is precisely what is taking place. Despite the obviously-orchestrated hype campaign running full-bore 24/7 on the JMSM, (as well as within 'alternative' media outlets owned and operated by nutters kooks, cranks and carnival barkers such as Jeff Rense et al) the numbers just aren't there to support the panic. The normal, yearly, ordinary flu kills 50 to 60 thousand people a year--just in the US--which, spaced over the 3 month period where the flu peaks, is about 20,000 a month which is about 700 PER DAY. A normal flu season in America sees between 30-40 MILLION people coming down with it, numbers that DWARF the handful of people who have contracted Corona.

Now, based upon the orchestrated honking campaign taking place within the JMSM and the subsequent crashing of the markets it is obvious where the powers that be intend to take all of this. Trump's approval numbers (and thus the likelihood of his being re-elected) are based for the most part on the economic good mood which seems to be in full swing right now, but with a crashing market and what may come of it (as was deliberately done to George H.W. Bush in '92) this can turn on a dime, which is exactly what Organized Jewish Interests want to see take place in an election year.

What's potentially worse is the following, and remember, you read it here first--

A crashing market provides the perfect pretext and cover for something much bigger, and particularly a 're-do' of what took place in mid-September of 2008, where an electronic 'run' on the banking system occurred which saw the evaporation of half a trillion dollars within the span of only 2 hours that--had it not been stopped--would have led to the COMPLETE COLLAPSE of the United States economy, an event that would have been used as the pretext for launching a war against Iran, Russia, or whoever was on the receiving end of Judea's accusations in the same manner as the 'war on terror' was launched against Iraq in the aftermath of 9/11.

We fear--and with good justification--that this is exactly what Judea, Inc is planning with all of this Corona virus business--panicked selling in the markets that presages 'the big bang' of another electronic run on the banking system that will be used not only in removing Trump from office, but as well, will be blamed on those enemies whose demise Judea, Inc has been planning for a long, long time. 

It is important to note within this context that Iran is at present the country with the highest number of Corona virus infections after China and for which Trump specifically (and the US generally) has been accused vis deliberately infecting that country. Thus, what we see is a pre-staging through official narrative Iran's 'motive' for some act of war against the US, in this case hacking into the US banking system as Israel did in 2008 and causing the 'electronic run' which would then be used in collapsing the banking system, the economy, and thus initiating a panic that would force DJT into a corner where the only option would be striking militarily.

And remember, Purim, the yearly Jewish celebration of the destruction of Persia--modern day Iran--takes place in little over one week.