Friday, January 17, 2020

Judea, Inc's media mouthpieces celebrating prominent roles played by Deep State operatives Schiff and Nadler in Trump Impeachment

Schiff and Nadler, both Jewish, each played significant roles in the House’s impeachment investigation and as such have been added to the 2019 Forward 50, our annual list of the most influential Jews in American life.

The Jewish Daily Forward

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) are two of the seven managers for the upcoming impeachment trial against Donald Trump in the Senate. The Forward recently named the two U.S. representatives, both Jewish, to the 2019 Forward 50, our annual list of the most influential Jews in American life.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced the managers, who will act as prosecutors in the trial, Wednesday morning.

Schiff and Nadler, both Jewish, each played significant roles in the House’s impeachment investigation, and observers expected them to be named as managers. Schiff, chair of the House’s Intelligence Committee, led the first month of hearings on impeachment. Nadler’s Judiciary Committee then heard testimony on the legal ins and outs of impeachment.

Schiff has risen from a national security specialist with little national following to a major figure in the Democratic Party. Nadler, a 27-year veteran of the House, is known in the Jewish world for his strong Jewish education and for his penchant of quoting the Talmud while on the job.

Here are some questions we asked Schiff and Nadler for their Forward 50 profiles:

Questions for Adam Schiff
Breakfast: Avocado toast — what would you expect, I’m a Californian.

What’s the last thing you listened to on your phone? A mix on Spotify: Kings of Leon, Pearl Jam, Dave Matthews, Billy Joel

Earliest Jewish memory: High holidays with my family in Boston, breaking the fast with my grandparents, my 5-foot Uncle Louie with the fedora, my great grandmothers, their great matzoh ball soup and noodle pudding.

2019 memory: The passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution on the House Floor. I worked for 19 years to make that happen and I’m so thrilled for my constituents and Armenians around the world.

What is your favorite thing about being Jewish? The culture, the learning, the desire to do tikkun olam. The ethics, the history, the spiritual commitment to self reflection and improving the lot of others.

What app can you not live without? Spotify. I love music. After that, Audible. I travel so much it’s nice to be able to listen to books along the way.

Weekend ritual: Dinner and a movie with my wife. Hollywood is in my district; have to give them the business!

Questions for Jerry Nadler
Breakfast: Gefilte fish

What’s the last thing you listened to on your phone? --I don’t really listen to music on my phone.

Earliest Jewish memory? --Singing zemiros with my parents and brothers every Friday night.

Hero: Abraham Lincoln - because he freed the slaves.

2019 memory: Seeing my granddaughter take her first steps at her 1 year birthday party.

What is your favorite thing about being Jewish?--The warm feeling of always being looked after by God and the feeling of always being able to pray and communicate with him.

What app can you not live without?--New York Times app. Must always keep up to date on the latest news and developments.

Weekend ritual--Relaxing with my family and playing with my granddaughter.